Showing posts with label Terraform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terraform. Show all posts

June 9, 2023

Infrastructure as Code: making it easy with Nexus as Code

In previous posts I've described the advantage provided by managing the infrastructure the same way developers manage the application code.

Infrastructure as Code means using the same toolset (version control systems, pipeline orchestrators, automated provisioning) and same processes for building, integrating, testing and releasing the system that are used in the release cycle of a software application. This approach has a positive impact on speed, reliability and security end to end.

Together with Ansible, Terraform is one of the most used tools in the automated provisioning space, and many organizations use it when they adopt Infrastructure as Code. The availability of plugins (Terraform Providers) for almost every possible target (physical and virtual servers, network and storage, cloud services, etc.) makes it a common platform for automation: a "de facto" standard.

As many other technology vendors, Cisco offers Terraform Providers wrapping the API of their products, especially for Data Center and Cloud technologies. The Nexus family of switches, that includes the ACI fabric architecture, makes no exception. You can provision and manage the ACI fabric easily with Terraform (as well as with Ansible), and many examples and reusable assets are available at DevNet.

Generally, Terraform Providers surface the object model of the target system so that resources and the their relationships can be managed easily in a configuration plan, representing the desired state of the system. You need to understand how that particular system works and, in some cases, to manage the relationships among managed objects identifiers explicitly.

This is an example of creating a tenant in ACI, and a VRF contained in it:

Some engineers find this object model, and the use of the HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language), easy and comfortable. Others, maybe due to a limited experience, would prefer an easier syntax and simpler object model.

For this reason Cisco has created a module called Nexus as Code, that sits on top of the standard ACI provider for Terraform, hiding the perceived complexity and offering a simplified object model. The objects that are contained in each other are simply nested and represented in a way that's very close to the conceptual representation of the logical architecture (represented by the following picture)

Nexus as Code can be seen as a (optional) component in the Terraform solution to automate ACI and other network controllers from Cisco.

Using a configuration language as simple as YAML, nesting is represented with indentation in Nexus as Code. This example corresponds to the HCL snippet above:

This format is particularly suitable for copy/paste operations, that make it easy to clone and modify a template so it is ready for a new project.

If you start from the example above, simply copying one line you can have one more VRF created and contained in the same tenant. Definitely simpler that doing the same in a HCL file, and encouraging for a network engineer the first time he/she uses Terraform. 

Everything you need is a folder to store one or more YAML file defining the desired state of the ACI fabric, and the installation of the Terraform binary file (free download from here). After that, you will just use the following two commands:

terraform init (that makes sure that the needed providers are installed, and eventually downloads them automatically)

terraform apply (that reads the input, evaluates changes required to align the state of the target fabric to the desired state, then call the API of the ACI controller)

when you confirm the apply, you will see the log of the execution and finally the message will tell that the job is done.

I believe that Nexus as Code is a powerful tool that may help engineers to approach the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) methodology easier, with no stress due to learning new complex technologies and tools.

Being based on standard, open-source tools, it does not introduce any lock in with Cisco technologies. 
It simply translates easy-to-manipulate YAML files, that describe your desired state, into plain Terraform plans that are executed automatically.

So you can start adopting the same tools and same processes that developers use in building, integrating, testing and releasing the system, obtaining the same benefit in terms of speed, consistency, security and self-documentation.

Don't be shy, start today to experiment and see how easy it is 😜

July 4, 2022

Infrastructure as Code: tools and processes

In a previous post we have seen that Infrastructure as Code is a way of managing the infrastructure and the cloud resources, consisting in a set of processes and best practices.

But there is also a need for a set of tools, and this post will offer an overview of the most used tools in the industry. Most of them are free, open source tools, matched by a vendor-supported version that requires a license or a subscription. There are also SaaS versions that offer a free tier. 

I'm describing the following tools in this post:

  • Version Control Systems
  • Automation tools (Ansible, Terraform) 
  • Accessory tools for "scaffolding" (Vault, etc).

But, before we explore the tools, just a few more words about the process.

Programmable infrastructure

The simple fact that the infrastructure is programmable via the API it exposes, does not mean that anyone can come and change its configuration and/or state.

We don't want anarchy, and even less we want that programmers do whatever they like bypassing the owners of the target technology domain. The administrators, that are also the SME (subject matter experts) have the responsibility to ensure the reliability, performance and security of the system and cannot afford that a naive developer compromises it.

So what we mean with treating the infrastructure as code is applying the same processes, and same tools, as we do with the source code of the applications. The infrastructure provisioning and configuration should follow the same process that we implement for the applications: write the code, version the code, test it statically for quality and security, deploy it automatically, test it dynamically (functional, performance, reliability and security tests), then deploy it in the production environment. Generally, it happens within a CI/CD pipeline with a good level of automation (but the same sequence could also be executed manually).

Now that we have agreed on the basic principles, let's have a look at the tools.

Version Control Systems

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.

The purpose of version control is to allow software teams track changes to the code, while enhancing communication and collaboration between team members. Version control facilitates a continuous, simple way to develop software.

Since we want to manage the infrastructure as developers do with the software applications, we use the same organization for the files describing the desired state of the infrastructure (remember, infrastructure includes physical, virtual and cloud resources).

A central repository is the single source of truth. Local working copies can be used to evolve the code, to create new versions and test them. After validation, a new version is committed in the VCS (version control system). The most used tools are github and gitlab, but there is a large choice available.

Pipeline orchestrators 

When a new version is created, a number of activities must take place: they can be executed manually or, better, automated to increase speed and reduce vulnerability to human errors. 

If any task or test fail, a notification is sent to the right stakeholder to solve the problem and the pipeline aborts. A new pipeline cycle will restart after the issue has been fixed. You might build a single pipeline for the infrastructure and for the application deployment, or more often separate them in distinct processes: depending on the work organization and the availability of resources, there is no strict need to rebuild the target environment every time a new application version is released.

Orchestrators for CI/CD pipelines can be open-source or commercial products or can be engines incorporated in the version control system.

The following picture shows an example of pipeline:

Automation tools (Ansible, Terraform) 

Those are not the only tools available for automation, but they are by large the most used.

They access the target system (infrastructure, cloud and components in the software stack) remotely, with no need for a local agent.

Generally the target API are wrapped in plugins for the automation engine (called Ansible modules and Terraform providers) that are either built and supported by the vendor of the target technology, or by the open source community.

Ansible was born for managing servers, so its approach is more orientated towards configuration management. Terraform excels at provisioning resources, and brings you to concepts like immutable infrastructure (see below).

Both the tools are great and let you define the desired state of the system, making sure that the current state matches the desired state. If it does not, changes are executed automatically by destroying configuration items and recreating them as they need to be. Indeed, Ansible tolerates changing the configuration of existing resources, in that it is more procedural than declarative.

Immutable Infrastructure

An approach to managing services and software deployments wherein components are replaced rather than changed. They are effectively redeployed each time any change occurs.

Traditionally, an application or service update requires that a component is changed in production, while the complete service or application remains operational. Immutable infrastructure instead relies on instancing "golden images", where components are assembled on computing resources to form the service or application. 

Once the service or application is instantiated, its components are set - thus, the service or application is immutable, unable to change. When a change is made to one or more components of a service or application, a new golden image is assembled, tested, validated and made available for use. Then the old instance is discontinued, to free the computing resources within the environment for other tasks.

You can find a very good description and reusable examples at this two websites:

Immutable Infrastructure with Ansible, Packer and Terraform on Azure -

Immutable Infrastructure Using Packer, Ansible, and Terraform -

Accessory tools for "scaffolding" 

The automation you can build with these tools is amazing, and it saves you time and troubles (sometimes also money as a consequence). As a single individual, or part of a small team, you are much more productive thanks to the reuse of scripts and blueprints, to less troubleshooting required, to higher speed in provisioning.

When the size of the operations team, or of the organization made of different teams, grows beyond a handful of people, some coordination issues start being visible.

  • If many people use the same scripts (playbooks, configuration plans, etc.) those resources need to be accessible in a central repository (generally a VCS) and you need to enforce RBAC (role based access control) to protect them. 
  • Credentials to access the target systems cannot be stored within the code in the VCS, so you need to store them separately and pass them in as variables. 
  • If a change is pushed to the environment, people need to be notified (even more if a pipeline fails and someone has to fix it).
  • Bespoke IaC pipelines can stretch across personal machines or shared VMs creating a management nightmare
  • Terraform state files contains sensitive information which requires special handling and access control

So you start defining processes to work in a ordered manner, and adopting accessory tools to store the secrets (one example is Vault, to store credentials in a safe, centralized place). The governance work and the tools you start accumulating are defined scaffolding, and rapidly become such a burden that they exceed the advantages you've got from adopting the Infrastructure as Code approach (this happens only at a large scale and if you don't have experienced staff).

A solution for this problem is offered by the enterprise version of the tools (both Ansible and Terraform), that is also offered as a SaaS option. The paid versions - that are also supported by the vendors - offer everything you need for large teams' collaboration and avoid that you need to invest in creating all the operational framework.

I'm not saying that you absolutely need those versions, but consider that the miracles an engineer can do with the free, single binary file, local setup of the automation tools are less likely to be seen on a larger team scale when the IaC best practices are broadly adopted. There will be an inflection point where the benefits provided by the enterprise edition justify the cost of the solution.

September 19, 2016

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform and Cisco Metapod

Recently I worked with a customer to explore the concept of Infrastructure as Code.
They like open source solutions for the automation of the infrastructure and for managing the software applications life cycle.
To reach the first objective their goal is a private cloud based on Openstack, while they will use Ansible and Terraform to manage the environments for different projects.

Managing the Infrastructure as Code means that the definition of the infrastructure is maintained in text files, that could be stored in a version control system like you do with the source code of the application.
If you do that, the same lifecycle applies to both the infrastructure and the application: creation of staging or production environments, automated testing, etc.
Using blueprints helps to improve the quality of the final result of the project and grants compliance with policies and eventual legal obligations.
Benefits include speed, cost savings (avoiding a static allocation of pre-provisioned resources) and risk reduction (removing errors and security violations).
Terraform is one of the best open source tools to manage your Infrastructure as Code: it’s easy to install, learn and use (one hour).
You could start from tutorials and free examples available on Internet.

Here is an example of full automation (we'll try to get a little better result):

As a first step, to make the usage of Openstack easier on a large scale, we discussed the value of a managed service.
If the IT organization could just focus their effort on the development and operations of the business applications, instead of running the infrastructure, they would create more value for the internal customers (company's lines of business).
So I proposed the adoption of Cisco Metapod, that is Openstack as a managed service (delegation of all the tough administrative and operational work to a specialized 3rd party, while you just use the Openstack user interface and API enjoying a SLA of 99.99% uptime). 
I have described the advantage of adopting Openstack as a managed service in this post: Why don't you try Openstack (without getting your hands dirty)? 
Services offered by Cisco Metapod around Openstack
Services offered by Cisco Metapod

We created a lab where Openstack abstracts the resources from the physical and virtual infrastructure (etherogeneous servers, network and storage) and the configuration of different environments is managed by Terraform, so that you can create, destroy, restore and update a complex system in few minutes.

Free to use Openstack for your apps, instead of managing it: focus on your real business

With Terraform you can describe the architecture in a declarative form (in a manifest file).
You simply describe what you need (the desired state), not how the different components (devices and software) must be configured with all their parameters and their specific syntax.
The goal of Terraform is to match the current state of the system with the desired state.

Desired State vs Current State

Terraform is used to create, manage, and manipulate infrastructure resources. Examples of resources include physical machines, VMs, network switches, containers, etc. Almost any infrastructure noun can be represented as a resource in Terraform. Terraform is agnostic to the underlying platforms by supporting providers. A provider is responsible for understanding API interactions and exposing resources. Providers generally are an IaaS (e.g. AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack), PaaS (e.g. Heroku), or SaaS services (e.g. Atlas, DNSimple, CloudFlare). 

Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as Code

Desired State

In my lab I reused a good example that I found on GitHub at 
It contains all the resources you need to deploy a new Devstack instance (a all-in-one instance of Openstack, useful for developers) including the needed networks, public addresses, firewall rules on a target cloud platform. That, incidentally, is a Openstack instance (so we are deploying Openstack on Openstack).

Here is the content of the file used by Terraform: it references variables with the format ${variable_name}, including the output from actions on other resources. Dependencies between resources are managed automatically by Terraform. A separate file can contain the predefined values for your variables (like the references to the Openstack lab in my example).

If you are not interested in the content of this file (I guess it applies to 70% of my readers) you can skip it and go to next picture... there is also a good recorded demo down there   :-) (the manifest file where Terraform ready the desired state of all the resources):

provider "openstack" {
  user_name  = "${var.user_name}"
  tenant_name = "${var.tenant_name}"
  password  = "${var.password}"
  auth_url  = "${var.auth_url}"

resource "openstack_networking_network_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "terraform"
  region = "${var.region}"
  admin_state_up = "true"

resource "openstack_compute_keypair_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "SSH keypair for Terraform instances"
  region = "${var.region}"
  public_key = "${file("${var.ssh_key_file}.pub")}"

resource "openstack_networking_subnet_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "terraform"
  region = "${var.region}"
  network_id = "${}"
  cidr = ""
  ip_version = 4
  enable_dhcp = "true"
  dns_nameservers = ["",""]

resource "openstack_networking_router_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "terraform"
  region = "${var.region}"
  admin_state_up = "true"
  external_gateway = "${var.external_gateway}"

resource "openstack_networking_router_interface_v2" "terraform" {
  region = "${var.region}"
  router_id = "${}"
  subnet_id = "${}"

resource "openstack_compute_secgroup_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "terraform"
  region = "${var.region}"
  description = "Security group for the Terraform instances"
  rule {
    from_port = 1
    to_port = 65535
    ip_protocol = "tcp"
    cidr = ""
  rule {
    from_port = 1
    to_port = 65535
    ip_protocol = "udp"
    cidr = ""
  rule {
    ip_protocol = "icmp"
    from_port = "-1"
    to_port = "-1"
    cidr = ""

resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "terraform" {
  name = "terraform"
  region = "${var.region}"
  image_name = "${var.image}"
  flavor_name = "${var.flavor}"
  key_pair = "${}"
  security_groups = [ "${}" ]
  floating_ip = ""

  network {
    uuid = "${}"

  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    script = ""
    connection {
      user = "${var.ssh_user_name}"
      key_file = "${var.ssh_key_file}"

To make it simple, for this blog post I replaced the part that deploys Devstack with a simpler setup of a web server (Apache). (Terraform will copy and execute it on the remote instance as soon as it is created):


# author: Joe Topjian (@jtopjian)
# source:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y -f apache2

The goal is to demonstrate how easy it is to create a new software environment on a Cisco Metapod Openstack target from scratch and run it. 
The following pictures show the Metapod console before and after running the "terraform apply” command on my computer.

This is before I run the command:

The Openstack console from Cisco Metapod: view of the tenant networks
The Openstack console from Cisco Metapod

And this is the expected result (network and server infrastructure created, apache installed):

Terraform has created all the required resources in Openstack
Resources created in Openstack

Next video (the most important part of this post) is a recorded demonstration of the creation of the new Apache server: you can see the launch of the “terraform apply” command that, after reading the manifest file, creates a network, a subnet, a router with two interfaces, a floating ip and a instance on Openstack. Then the Apache web server is downloaded and installed in the new instance.
The Metapod console is left in the background and you see the Openstack objects pop up as they are created.
Finally the home page of the new web server is tested.




It is very easy to get rid of the delays, the misunderstandings and the inefficiency of many current IT organizations.
If you standardize the process that developers follow to obtain the environment for a new project - in all the phases of the life cycle - you can enable a faster go to market for new business initiatives making your customers happy.
It would be a first step towards DevOps (more is required, mostly in changing the culture of both developers and people in operations).

Infrastructure as code is a brilliant way to create the needed infrastructure on demand (and release it when no longer needed), to maintain it based on blueprints and manage the definition of the infrastructure with the same tools you use for the application source code: a text editor (or your preferred IDE), a version control system, an automation tool.

If you have a IaaS platform like Openstack, provisioning of both virtual and physical resources is made easy.
If you do a further step forward with a managed service, someone will grant that your Openstack is correctly configured for production, up to date and in perfect health. You enjoy all the benefits, without the hassle of setting it up and operating it daily.

Configuration to run acceptance tests for Terraform/OpenStack -
Why don't you try Openstack (without getting your hands dirty)? -